Bukit Bujang Pahang, Kampung Menunggol

Outdoor lovers, you have to try this!!!! Worth the hike to Bukit Bujang Pahang , the scenery is so heavenly beautiful.

Personally I would suggest to go in group so the fee will be cheaper. You need to go by water taxi from Sungai Lampai water taxi station for BND 1.00 per trip. Once you get across to Bolkiah 'A' Kampong Menunggol , you need to go by bus ( bus rental BND 30.00). The mini bus fits around 28-30 people max. The bus will drive about 10 minutes from the water taxi station to the trekking location.

During the walk through you be also visiting historical sites such as an abandoned coal mine, Batu Bekajang Cave and Batu Bertingkat.

Group photo before we went off

Water taxi ride

You need to inform the head of the village for headcount before proceeding

Group photo just below the peak of  Bujang Pahang Hill

View from the peak of  Bujang Pahang Hill

Water taxi station at Kampung Menunggul
